So many numbers but they're out of order! Go westward to put things right.
Put the streets in order from East to West
Clue 4: Figure out the numbered letters to get the answer to this clue. You'll need to find lots of art along the Haight!
There are six locations on Haight Street with art/murals either next to phrases or for which the store name is the phrase. Use the blanks to figure out what you're supposed to guess, and then keep track of the letter where a number overlaps them. Those ones will spell out this famous part of Haight-Ashbury history.
grateful dead
Clue 5: In this iconic photo, the band is next to a street sign. Add up the two numbers from the street sign to get the answer to this clue.
You finished Haight-Ashbury Scavenger Hunt in {time} but you're not done yet! Post a photo of you next to something that says “Summer of love” in the comments. First one wins!
(Note: the thing that says “Summer of love” must have existed and said it before you saw this – you can’t just write it on a sign yourself.)