We’re Mimi and Suneel, travel enthusiasts and game designers. We think adding adventure to any trip makes it much more fun, which is why our mission is to share scavenger hunts as a way to travel.

Our scavenger hunts encourage you to check out as much of a city as possible, introduce sights that even locals might not have seen, and force you to keep your eyes peeled for items that can pop out of nowhere!

Suneel Jain
Game designer, avid traveler, and board game connoisseur

Suneel’s been running around playing games for as long as he can remember. This includes actual games and made-up ones like hiking with friends and trying to win the prestigious “Hiker of the Day” award or practicing for The Amazing Race by speedily assembling Ikea furniture. These experiences have led Suneel to design games, scavenger hunts, escape rooms, and more as a way to bring people together over a shared activity. And so that someone can have bragging rights as the one true champion. 

After graduating from the University of California, Berkeley, Suneel went on to Georgetown University for his J.D. and practiced law in San Francisco for eight years. More important than all of that, though, was meeting Mimi. She took Suneel traveling abroad for the first time in over a decade and together they’ve loved spending quality time playing games and going on trips. After countless adventures and experiences, though with more to still come, Suneel thought, “Why can’t we make traveling, which you love so much, into a competition, which I love so much?” And with that, Mimi’s passion in life was threatened, but it endured and has led to the creation of this website, a passion project that can only emerge from a team that includes someone who never wants to have to track his billable hours again.

Mimi McFadden
Travel expert, entrepreneur, and board game enthusiast

Mimi’s been writing about her travels around the world since 2013 on www.theatlasheart.com. But she’s been going on trips her whole life, from childhood days spent escaping in travel books to actual journeys traveling around for basketball games (with many fond memories of jamming out to The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack with her dad to get hyped up). After visiting Costa Rica in 2008 and getting bitten by the travel bug (and perhaps other bugs as well), Mimi became hooked on travel. After five years abroad and eleven years of running a travel website, she loves sharing everything she can about travel to help others also have the time of their life.

Mimi went to the University of California, San Diego, where she studied Psychology, but her experience running a professional travel website, her entrepreneurial nature, and her competitive spirit are what make this all possible. It’s that competitive spirit that attracted a kindred soul who loves games, and it was her crushing him in a three-point shooting contest on their third date that spawned a never-ending battle of everything between the two. Since then, Mimi has planned scavenger hunt outings for Suneel, created an at-home Olympic tournament as a date night, and, of course, makes sure to get Suneel out of the country as often as she can. All this has led to the only sensible conclusion: a worldwide scavenger hunt website where Mimi can put her travel experience and love of games into a harmonious combination.